WELCOME SPRING By: Ted Mills, ARS Master Rosarian and Judge Ah! The crocus and daffodil bulbs sprouting from the cool earth is the first sign of spring. The warble of the oriole, the chattering of the finch, mallards winging their way northward — all of these are signals that spring is with us at last. Although romantic individuals will argue that this is the time man’s fancy turns to love, to the dedicated rosarian, their love is enhanced when rose bushes produce their first bloom cycle. It seems to refresh the entire landscape. Viewing them is the perfect way to …
January 2010
STIMULUS IN ROSE GROWING By Ted Mills, ARS Master Rosarian and Judge America has just witnessed the introduction of the word: stimulus. It is a bold attempt to resurrect a failing economy. Time will tell whether this novel experiment will enliven our sick economic situation. At least, an attempt to do something positive has been advanced. Of course, this method of relief is debatable between the political factions. For the sake of the nation let us hope that the application of stimulus money will bring healing. Parallel to the economy’s misfortune, many rosarians find that their rose growing success during …
October 2008
October 2008 DEALING WITH HEAT STRESS IN ROSE BUSHES By: Ted Mills, ARS Master Rosarian and Judge The American flag in RoseDoc’s yard was fluttering in the chilly breeze as he arose on this October morning. Two squirrels were scurrying in search of food to be stored for the winter months ahead. Migrating butterflies were sapping nectar from the bluebell bush. Blue birds were driving away sparrows from their domain. All of this activity assured RoseDoc that fall is in the air and the work of a rosarian must not come to a halt. Just a few short days ago …
June 2008
DEALING WITH HEAT STRESS IN ROSE BUSHES By: Ted W. Mills, Master Rosarian and Judge With Independence Day celebrations occurring all around, it is evident that summer has finally arrived. The sound of firecrackers and baseball bats cracking against speeding baseballs signals the arrival of hot weather in most areas of the ARS. To everyone whose hobby is rose growing, be ready for extra care during this time of year. July is here and August can’t be far behind. Unfortunately, far too many rosarians lighten up in their rose activities and head for the swimming pools. Believe the RoseDoc, a …
October 2007
GREET THE COMING OF FALL WITH JOY By: Ted Mills, ARS Master Rosarian and Judge If there is ever a time when rosarians should greet cooler weather with jubilation, it is the arrival of fall, 2007. In all the years that RoseDoc has grown roses, no growing season can rival the disastrous months of woeful weather experienced this year. First, it was the Easter freeze that spelled doom to our precious bushes. Then came the prolonged drought that saw water levels reach all time severity. Even today, the dry season continues. Global warming must have at last become a reality …
February 2007
WITHSTANDING WINTRY WINDS By: Ted Mills, Master Rosarian and Judge Unless you live in tropical-type areas of the Country and never experience snow or icy conditions, there will come a time when arctic-type winds will prevail. For all others I recommend that you not be lulled to sleep by a few balmy days occurring in winter. Just as surely as mallard ducks migrate southward each year, the wintry winds will visit most areas with wrath. Global warming advocates will try to dispel this belief, but history tells us that we have always had a measure of frigid conditions with which …
October 2006
WELCOME FALL By: Ted Mills (RoseDoc), ARS Master Rosarian and Judge After enduring a summer of extreme heat, the arrival of fall, with its cool breezes, is most welcome. Rosarians have perspired greatly because of the sustained heat. Their roses have struggled mightily to overcome heat stress. Fall’s arrival on the scene brings with it an abundance of ideal weather to produce beautiful blooms. No longer do we have to witness the wilting of leaves and the balling of rose blossoms.
September 2006
TOUCHDOWNS AND BLUE RIBBONS By Ted Mills (RoseDoc), ARS Master Rosarian & Judge There is a distinct correlation between touchdowns and blue ribbons. Good performance of duty produces both. A definite analogy exists between football fans and the growing of blue-ribbon roses. Let’s talk about it. Sometimes judging from the performance of last season there is much room for improvement on the sidelines as well as the playing field.
October 2005
MUCH ABOUT MULCH By: Ted W. Mills, ARS Consulting Rosarian and Judge Like butterflies, mulch comes in many forms — both organic and inorganic. For rosarians, the organic form works best. It would be advisable for rose growers to first realize the value of mulching and then learn of the various forms available on the market. Answers to many mulching questions are to be sought if we really want to grow award-winning roses. Even though mulching is one of the best ways to ensure good roses, too many rose growers omit this valuable phase of rose culture.
September 2005
September 2005 THIS BUD’S NOT FOR YOU By: Ted W. Mills. ARS Consulting Rosarian and Judge A well-known brewery uses the slogan: “this bud’s for you” to promote its leading product. The buying public readily recognizes it. This may be good for the drinking crowd but a certain bud whose surname is worm does not enjoy the positive response among dedicated rosarians who enjoy growing roses. In fact, they detest this bud’s arrival on the scene. Next to the Japanese beetle, nothing causes more ruin to roses than does this voracious insect. Budworms are but one species of the caterpillar. …